Information fo new owner of our puppy!
We sell puppies at the age of 7 weeks,repeatedly about deworming, vet checked, each puppy has a separate vet conclusion. All our puppys have Finnish Kennel Club registration! The puppy is given to the new owners already (Export Pedigree) + EUpassport and microchip. At any time we are ready to advise the owners of our puppies on any matters relating to border terrier and of course a gift from a breeder "puppy package".
If your pet need trimming, please contact us!
Our puppies are sold as pets, as a friend of the family! We do not promise anyone that dogs grow out of the winner in agility, show or dog will be super hunter. All merits dogs, depend on the result of cooperation between the owner and his pet.
Please feel free to contact us if you want to buy a puppy from us, as a friend of the family!
Finnish Kennel Club has awarded the Vuolasvirta Prize on June 14.2018
Hakala Agnessa, owner of the Dog Agnes kennel
Very worthy breeding work with breed border terrier!

Gsm. +358 40 509 7988
The price of the puppy includes VAT 25,5%

Meidän kasvatit ja onnelliset omistajat!
Our breeders and happy owners!

ASTA todettiin tiineeksi! Waiting for puppies!
Maaliskuu VK 10 odotetaan pentujen syntyvän.
Puppies from top combinations are expected March W-10.
Odotettavissa pentuja huippuyhdistelmistä!
Nyt vain peukut pystyyn, että kaikki sujuu hyvin!
Jotta kaikki pitkään jo pentua meiltä odottaneet perheet saisivat vihdoin oman ihanan pennun!
Now just keep your fingers crossed that everything goes well!
So that all the families who have been waiting for a puppy from us for a long time can finally get their own wonderful puppy.
Terveystulokset-Health results-
Результаты по здоровью
lonkkanivel- A/A ,kyynärnivel -0/0, silmätutkimus-ei todettu perinnöllisiä silmäsairauksia,, sydämen kuuntelutulos-ei sivuääniä
HD-A/A, elbows-0/0,eye examination - not hereditary eye diseases clear, heart listening to the result - no murmurs, patella -0/0
DNA TEST FOR Shaking puppy (SLEM)
Asta mukana saimme kennelimme uudet geenit Englannista, Hollannista ja Norjasta.
With Asta, we got new genes for our kennel from England, Netherlands and Norway.

Hello World! A new life has begin!
"STELLA" pennut ovat syntyneet
Puppies are born
4.1.2025 (2+3)
Emät ja pennut voivat erinomaisesti!
Pentuja huippuyhdistelmistä!
Puppies from top combinations!
Pentue info katso sivulla- For info about puppies see page
Link ->Pentue- Litters-Litter-K3
Jotta kaikki pitkään jo pentua meiltä odottaneet perheet saisivat vihdoin oman ihanan pennun!
Now just keep your fingers crossed that everything goes well!
So that all the families who have been waiting for a puppy from us for a long time can finally get their own wonderful puppy.

Seuraava pentue suunnitteilla- Kevät-Kesä 25
Следующая вязка планируется -Весна- Лето 25
The following litter are planned In -Spring-Summer 25
Terveystulokset-Health results-Результаты по здоровью
lonkkanivel- C/C ,kyynärnivel -0/0, silmätutkimus-ei todettu perinnöllisiä silmäsairauksia,, sydämen kuuntelutulos-ei sivuääniä
HD-C/C, elbows-0/0,eye examination - not hereditary eye diseases clear, heart listening to the result - no murmurs, patella -0/0
DNA TEST FOR Shaking puppy (SLEM)
Ruby mukana saimme kennelimme uudet geenit Englannista, Hollannista ja Sweden.
With Ruby, we got new genes for our kennel from England, Netherlands and Sweden.

RUBY on astutettu 19.1.25
Odotettavissa pentuja huippuyhdistelmistä. Tiineydet varmistuu reilun kuukauden kuluttua ja siitä kerrotaan täällä. Toivotaan, että astutus onnistunut , jotta kaikki pitkään jo pentua meiltä odottaneet perheet saisivat vihdoin oman ihanan pennun.
RUBY were introduced on 19.1.25
Puppies from top combinations are expected. The pregnancy will be confirmed after a good month and it will be reported here. We hope that the mating were successful, so that all the families who have been waiting for a puppy from us for a long time can finally get their own wonderful puppy.